Worrying what the weather stations recorded last night

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It is worrying what the weather stations recorded at night, all over Romania. The hottest night in history in Bucharest and in other cities in the country.

On Tuesday morning, in many areas of the country, temperatures did not drop below 20 °C, and at several weather stations over 27 degrees were recorded, according to the information ANM.

At the Bucharest Filaret weather station, the minimum temperature was unusually high: +25.2 °C. ANM forecasts indicate that at noon temperatures will vary between 33 and 42 °C, and this situation will continue on Wednesday.

Worrying weather phenomenon

The highest minimum temperatures during the night were recorded in the west of the country: +28.2 °C in Dumbrăvița de Codru and +27.8 °C in Şiria, but temperatures above 27 °C were also recorded in Dobrogea, in Galati , Constanța and Sulina.

In Bucharest Filaret, the minimum temperature was +25.2 °C, while in Băneasa it was +20.5 °C. Other very high nocturnal minimums were recorded in Cotnari (+26.2 °C), Buzău (+25.5 °C), Drăgășani (+25.1 °C) and Râmnicu Sărat (+24.5 °C) .

It was also extremely hot in the mountains: at Fundata, at over 1,300 m altitude, the minimum temperature during the night was +20.9 °C, which characterizes a tropical night, a phenomenon only exceptionally encountered at altitudes over 1,000 m. In Sinaia, at 1,500 m altitude, the minimum temperature was +18.3 °C. The lowest temperature was recorded in Obârsia Lotrulu: +9.4 °C.

Weather forecast for the coming days

Elena Mateescu, the general director of ANM, explained what we should expect from the point of view of the weather in the coming period.

“Today is the fourth consecutive day of heat in which we are talking, in most parts of the country, of code red, regarding intense and persistent heat waves, heat wave, particularly pronounced thermal discomfort, with temperatures around 37-42 degrees.

We were already recording at 1:00 p.m., in the extra-Carpathian regions, values ​​between 37 and 40 degrees in the Capital and in Cernavodă.

Last but not least, the thermal discomfort index is particularly accentuated, because in a good part of the country, except for the mountainous and depressed areas, we have values ​​that exceed 80 units.

In the capital we are even talking about a record value of 84 units, even 84.8, the highest thermal discomfort values, and the temperature felt in the capital is 45 degrees Celsius.

We are also talking about a red code tomorrow, the 5th day, because in the future, except for the 11 counties in the north, there will be a red code. Temperatures are still particularly high in this part of the country, across the country, between 33 and 42 degrees.

On Thursday we count on a slight decrease, 30-39 degrees, with 29-30 degrees in the north of Moldova, but from one day to the next, even if we talk about temperatures from 31 to 37 degrees, the thermal discomfort remains still very high”, explained Elena Mateescu

Source: www.doctorulzilei.ro