Xiaomi has launched the latest smart band, the Xiaomi Smart Band 9, which comes with a modern design, a large, clear AMOLED screen, complete health features, a long-lasting battery that can be used for 21 days, starting at only 1,200 baht!
Xiaomi Smart Band 9 comes with a large 1.62-inch capsule-shaped AMOLED screen with a resolution of 192 x 490 pixels, providing bright, clear colors and a dimensional display. The screen also has a maximum brightness of up to 1,200 nits, making it comfortable to use outdoors even in bright sunlight. The body is available in 2 colors: Black and Blue, with a sleek design and a weight of only 15.8 grams, making it comfortable to wear all day long.
Xiaomi Smart Band 9 is packed with complete health features. It measures heart rate 16% more accurately, measures blood oxygen, measures stress, tracks women’s health, and detects sleep in detail. It also evaluates sleep patterns. There are also more than 150 exercise modes to choose from and there is also a game feature on the wrist.
The Xiaomi Smart Band 9 comes with a large battery that can last up to 21 days on a single charge, and can also use Always-on Display (AOD) mode for up to 9 days, so you don’t have to worry about running out of battery during the day.
Xiaomi Smart Band 9 is now available in China, with three models to choose from:
- The starting price is 249 yuan, or about 1,200 baht.
- The NFC version costs 299 yuan, or about 1,400 baht.
- NFC version, ceramic material, price 349 yuan, or about 1,700 baht
The Xiaomi Smart Band 9 is a worthwhile smart band option. It has a beautiful design, a large screen, complete health features, a long-lasting battery, and is not expensive. It is suitable for those who are looking for a smart band to track their health and exercise.
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Source: www.siamphone.com