You are ambidextrous and you do (or don’t) crazy things, tell us!

Left-handed hitter, right-handed pitcher. With his incredible dexterity, the Japanese baseball player Shohei Ohtaniof the Los Angeles Dodgersis writing the legend of his sport. He has just acquired the status of the highest paid player in the world. Suddenly, 20 Minutes wonders if it is so magical to have “two right hands”. If, for the tiny – 1% – part of the population concerned, being ambidextrous gives one conjuring talents and makes life easier. Or if it is an “originality” as involuntary as it is useless, or even difficult to live with.

Are you ambidextrous and this characteristic makes your life much easier? Is it an asset that has had an influence on your professional life or in your sports practice? Or is it just something that allows you to impress the gallery, or even a real hassle?
