You are dangerous to us. Hviezdny Muradov must leave the Czech Republic, according to the court, he is meeting with criminals – Combat sports / MMA

He has thousands of fans in the country, but even that probably won’t help him to continue to stay and train there.

The star Uzbek MMA wrestler Makhmud Muradov has to leave the Czech Republic, where he lives for a long time and prepares for matches. The local court decided on it.

According to him, Muradov is dangerous for society. The reason? He is supposed to maintain contacts with members of organized crime.

The 34-year-old wrestler, who has been connecting his life with the Czech Republic for the thirteenth year, tried several times to obtain temporary residence in our western neighbors.

But he never succeeded. Moreover, according to Czech sources, the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy did not comply with his request even in May, to which Muradov responded with a lawsuit.

However, he also failed with her.

The main problem why the Czech courts prevent Muradov from staying in the country is allegedly his contacts with people with a dubious reputation. They are supposed to be unconnected to organized crime, while they are supposed to be Serbs and Albanians.

“Someone says I have some connections with the underworld. If they told me that I met this person in this place, I would answer: Yes, it is so, because he wanted cooperation. We sat down, discussed it. But I didn’t do anything wrong, I don’t have any entry in the register,” Muradova is quoted by the portal.

His defense, based on the fact that Muradov has millions of fans and cannot know everyone he meets, failed.

The Uzbek has no choice but to leave the Czech Republic, which also means he will lose personal contact with his four-year-old daughter. He has it with the singer Monika Bagárová.

In addition, his preparation for matches is complicated. The next one will take place within the Oktagon MMA organization on September 21 in Brno.

Muradov, however, does not see it so bleak with leaving the country. According to him, “everything is fine”.

“I am calm, I am staying in the Czech Republic. I have not done anything, I will continue to fight,” he said.
