You attach this camera to your toilet and artificial intelligence then analyzes what comes out of you

Although the title of this article may sound a bit misleading, this is not an April Fool’s joke or a new solution for modern “models” to earn extra extra money. Austin, Texas-based healthcare startup Throne is selling a camera that attaches to a toilet bowl to scan human stool.

A toilet camera can reveal a lot about your health

The company behind this somewhat unconventional health accessory calls its camera “artificial intelligence of the gut.” It is this artificial intelligence that plays an important role in the entire system, as it can determine the health of the intestines, food intolerance or hydration of a given person based on many aspects of human excrement (there is probably no need to go into details).

The data is processed anonymously and provided to the customer clearly in the form of an application

Autor: Throne

The use of a toilet camera naturally raises the question of security and, above all, the privacy of users. Throne responds to these concerns in one of its own articles. “We only capture images of the contents of your toilet bowl. Any other data is irrelevant to our mission and could compromise our ability to provide accurate health information.” it says in the article.

“We use image recognition technology to automatically remove all irrelevant images. This ensures that only data related to the toilet is retained. We do not access individuals’ data. Our team only analyzes anonymous aggregated data, which means that the original user, you, cannot be traced.” Users can also request full access to their data to see what “crap” the company is collecting and possibly request a complete deletion.

For better results, it is possible to upload food to the application

For better results, it is possible to upload food to the application

Autor: Throne

And how much does this kind of toilet fun cost? The price of the Throne toilet camera is set at $499. Eagers who pre-order the camera can monitor the quality of their bowels in detail for $300.

source: Throne
