You can do this with the Google TV Streamer customizable button

The Google TV Streamer remote control has a customizable button that can give you different functions. In this article we explain how it works and what you can do with it.

Google TV Streamer customizable button

The Google TV Streamer’s remote control has a button that the Chromecast did not yet have. This button with the icon of a star can be found at the bottom right of the remote control. This is the only button on the remote control where you can decide what happens when you press it.

But what do you use it for? There are various options that go beyond just starting your favorite service.

1. Open the Google Home panel

The TV Streamer has a panel to control your smart home via Google Home. You must first go to the settings panel and press the Google Home button there. This can be done faster by placing the panel behind the customizable button.

2. Open an app of your choice

The remote control already has a button for YouTube and a button for Netflix. If you also like to watch another streaming service, you can place that app under the customizable button. For example, you can open Disney Plus or Videoland very quickly.

3. Adjust the input

You can also use the button to adjust the input. Consider a different television, receiver or soundbar.

This is how you customize the customizable button

To set up the customizable button for the first time, simply press the button and follow the instructions. If you later want to give the button a different function, you will have to delve into the settings.

Specifically, go to Settings > Remotes & accessories > Set up remote buttons > Customizable button.

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