You can protect yourself from phone scammers with a single setting –

Google warns that by disabling the connection of our phone to the 2G network, we can effectively prevent phishing attacks by criminals.

According to Google’s warning, by changing a single setting, we can effectively protect ourselves against fraudsters on our phone:

block the connection to the 2G network.

The technology company emphasizes that criminals often get into devices through 2G networks, using base stations that look like mobile phone antennas. They can be used to monitor connected devices and send phishing SMSes targeting our bank information.

Fraudsters often travel around cities by car or on foot, with radio devices hidden in their backpacks, waiting for phones in the area to connect to the 2G network they control. Such radio devices are easily available on the Internet, and their use does not require special expertise.

Since Android 12, Android phones allow you to disable 2G networks, so you can protect your device against such attacks. The setting can be accessed in the Settings – Network and Internet – SIM menu items, however, the exact route may differ from mobile to mobile. In the case of Honor phones, disabling the use of 2G is only possible if they are connected to 3G networks only.
