YouTube Premium increases (and by a lot) the subscription in Italy. Here are the new prices

In an era dominated by streaming media, YouTube has established itself as an undisputed giant in the sector. The platform, in addition to its free version, has been offering a premium service for years that has won over millions of users worldwide. However, recent developments have led to a significant pricing re-modulation for YouTube Premiuma change that is causing discussion among subscribers, especially Italian ones.

The announcement of the increase: a surprise for users

In the last few hours, Italian YouTube Premium users received an email from Google, the platform’s owner, announcing an upcoming price increase for their subscription. This news came without much warning, catching many subscribers by surprise, who found themselves having to reconsider the value of the service in relation to the new cost.

Increase Details: How Much Does YouTube Premium Cost Now?

The price increase affects all YouTube Premium subscription plans. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the new pricing:

  • Individual Subscription:
    – Previous price: €11.99 per month
    – New price: €13.99 per month

    – Increase: +2€ per month (about 16.7% more)

  • Family Plan:

    – Previous price: €17.99 per month
    – New price: €25.99 per month

    – Increase: +8€ per month (about 44.5% more)

It is important to note that the most significant increase concerns the Family Planwith an increase of almost 45%a move that could push many households to reconsider their subscription.

Google has announced that The new price will take effect from the October or November 2024 billing. The exact date may vary for each user, depending on the day of the month in which the subscription was originally purchased. For new subscribers, the updated price is already visible on the official YouTube Premium website.

Reasons behind the increase: Google’s explanation

In the communication sent to users, Google provided a brief explanation to justify the price increase: “To continue to offer a great level of service and features, we are increasing the price of your membership. We don’t make these decisions lightly, but this update will allow us to continue improving Premium and supporting the creators and artists you watch on YouTube.”

The company therefore emphasizes the need to invest in the continuous improvement of the service and in supporting the ecosystem of content creators who populate the platform.

International comparison: Italy is not alone

The increase in YouTube Premium prices is not a phenomenon isolated to Italy. Analyzing data from other countries, a picture of global remodulation of tariffs emerges. Among the countries involved are: Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Czech Republic, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Colombia, Thailand. The increase recorded in Sweden is particularly significant.where the Family Plan has undergone an increase of 56%followed by Colombia and Singapore with increases of more than 55%.

The price increase could have several repercussions on user behavior:

  • Value Reconsideration: Many subscribers may be considering whether the benefits of YouTube Premium (no ads, background playback, offline downloads) still justify the monthly cost.
  • Migrating to Alternative Plans: Some Family Plan users may opt for individual subscriptions or consider sharing their account with friends to help reduce costs.
  • Cancellations: It is not out of the question that some subscribers may decide to cancel their subscription and return to the free version of YouTube.
  • Seeking alternatives: The increase could push users to explore competing services that offer similar features at more competitive prices.

The increase in prices of YouTube Premium represents a significant move by Google, which It seems to focus on the loyalty of users who are most fond of the service. The justification provided, related to the improvement of the service and the support of creators, may not be sufficient for some users, especially considering the size of the increase for the Family Plan. It is important to remember that YouTube Premium remains a no-strings-attached servicewith the option to cancel at any time. This could mitigate some of the negative impact of the increase, giving users the flexibility to evaluate month by month whether the service continues to meet their needs.
