Zelensky gave a speech, but everyone was watching what the Russian representative in the UN was doing


Vladimir Zelensky

While Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy spoke at the UN Security Council session on Tuesday that his country would emerge victorious from the war, everyone was focused on what was happening elsewhere.

– One day in this hall, it will certainly be said that the Russian war against Ukraine has ended – Zelenski said, among other things, and added:

– And that will happen not only because someone got tired of the war, not because someone exchanged something with (Russian President Vladimir) Putin. Russia’s war against Ukraine will end because the United Nations Charter will work. It has to work. Our Ukrainian right to self-defense will prevail.

However, as reported by the media, while Zelenski was speaking, everyone was watching what the Permanent Representative of Ruda to the United Nations, Vasilij Nebenzija, was doing.

Namely, as you can see in the videos, as well as in the photos that flooded social networks, he was demonstratively flipping through his documents and looking at his mobile phone.

Source: www.vesti-online.com