Zrenjanin improves air quality measurement

According to the systematic measurements of air quality in the state network carried out by the Environmental Protection Agency in 2023, it was shown that the air quality in Zrenjanin was classified from the third to the first air quality category.

On the occasion of the centenary of the Zrenjanin Public Health Institute, Simo Salapura, the mayor of Zrenjanin, visited this institution and announced investments.

Photo: Wikipedia/Alexzr88

The total amount of money for the equipment, which has already been partially delivered, or will be delivered in the next six months at the latest, is close to 60 million dinars, which will further improve the work of this institution. It is about three devices, it is an automatic chromatograph, the City of Zrenjanin donated stations for automatic monitoring of air quality, and what we are announcing as the biggest investment is the result of the cross-border project “Sky blue” between Serbia and Romania, and it is a mobile station for air quality measurement,” said the mayor.

Speaking about air, he pointed out that air quality is monitored in nine places, seven of which are controlled by the Public Health Institute, and two measuring stations are provincial. Through the new project, the results will be in real time, and there will be faster indicators that the general public will be able to see.

He pointed out that the City of Zrenjanin is making efforts to maximally improve measures and activities to improve air quality through its inspection services and everything it implements, but he also said that all investors and all factories must respect our environmental standards.

As he stated, the results of the air quality assessment are partly a consequence of the measures implemented by the City of Zrenjanin, together with provincial and republican authorities. He added that Zrenjanin is among the small number of cities that have formed a Green Council, which includes eminent experts and non-governmental organizations that jointly form programs for the improvement of environmental protection measures, starting with contests and subsidizing citizens for energy efficiency, replacing boilers, contests for the purchase of bicycles as an environmentally acceptable means of transport and in the previous three years more than 35 thousand seedlings were planted in the territory of the city and other measures.

Referring to the measurement results of the Environmental Protection Agency, he pointed out that they showed that individual combustion plants and traffic are the biggest air polluters.

Predrag Rudan, director of the Institute for Public Health, said that now the semi-automatic methods will be switched to the automatic method, which means that the results will no longer be waited for fifteen days, but that the results will be available in real time, more precisely immediately when the sampling is done .

That institution is now awaiting method accreditation, without which there are no valid results, and after that the automatic station will be put into operation.

Energy portal

Source: energetskiportal.rs